Art by Yon
Sollus Dellager
Healer and Elementalist

Thank you for taking the time to look at my precious boy! Sollus is largely an idealized self-insert, but he is very precious to me, and I have been trying to define him more clearly as a character over time. This Carrd is the first attempt to canonize him in some capacity outside of my head.I have been roleplaying in different capacities for over a decade at this point, but I am still new to RP in such an established world like FFXIV. What I have experienced thus far has all been enjoyable though, and I am looking forward to exploring more!

Name: Sollus Dellager (or Soll to friends)
Age: 27
Race: Raen Au'ra
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Homosexual
Height/Weight: 7'6" / 260 lbs
Occupation: Adventurer (Healer) / Goldsmith
Birthplace: Sui-no-Sato
Current Residence: Radz-at-Han
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality Type: INFP
Sollus is a fairly imposing figure, even by Au'ra standards, his size and sometimes stoic demeanor can intimidate newcomers, and he takes his role as a healer and speaker for the elements quite seriously. As his area of expertise lies not in the application of brute force, he is not particularly muscular, keeping a slender yet fit build from plenty of travel and clambering over obstacles in the wilderness of the world.For those who choose to take some time to get to know him, they will find a deeply caring and thoughtful friend. Sollus holds honesty and kindness in the highest regard, believing that everyone is deserving of love and empathy. He believes no one should be treated as a means to an end, and that the hopes and dreams of all deserve to be cultivated and respected equally. Despite what may seem like a rather naïve point of view, Sollus does not hesitate to set himself opposed to those who manipulate, deceive, and destroy. The cruel and hateful will find a fearsome and resolute foe, one who will not hesitate to protect himself and others who find themselves threatened and oppressed.Despite being serious most of the time, when he finds himself amongst friends he will let his guard down, and engage in all manner of...unbecoming activities. Especially if someone manages to get a drink or two in him. He is actually quite shy and easily embarrassed if a more dominant personality decides to tease him. He gives as good as he gets though, and does his own fair share of ribbing to friends who are just as susceptible.

Sollus was born beneath the waves of the Ruby Sea, in the small raen village of Sui-no-Sato. From a young age, he showed an innate aptitude for geomancy, specifically that of manipulating and controlling water. He could hear the elements speak to him in faint whispers and with gentle waves of emotion that he seemed to be more in tune with than any of his peers. Given the location of his home, his skills meant he could be a valuable member of his community, and he found no shortage of support. In just a few short years he soon became the youngest Wavespeaker in the history of his people, honored by the Ruby Princess herself, praised as a prodigy, and expected to become a future leader of his community. While the future certainly looked bright from the outside, the mounting responsibility and weight of the expectations put upon him started to take their toll.The only person Sollus could confide in was his childhood friend Shiosai, another talented wavespeaker. They shared similar pressures...as well as a bed every now and then. Over time though, they started to drift apart. Sollus began to resent his talents and the expectations it brought upon him, while Shiosai took it as his duty to be the next high priest of Sui-no-Sato. Sollus was happy to be free of at least that expectation, but he could not shake a growing restlessness...an unease that just would not leave him.Similar to his peers, Sollus was raised with a fear and mistrust of the surface, believing it to be a corrupt and warlike place which harbored only death and misery. Despite this, He often found himself looking toward it. Through the waters around his home he watched the bottoms of the Confederacy's ships sailing overhead, and the washed out glowing orb of the sun traveling across the sky. He felt something inside of him that his family and friends could not relate to...a desire that was so taboo in his society, that it took him a while to even find the right words for this craving...Sollus had the need for adventure...Almost as if sensing the raen's desire, he began to hear a faint whisper almost daily. It was quiet, but insistent. His fellow Wavespeakers could not hear it, but he knew that whatever it was, it needed help. He begged the High Priest to allow him to seek it out beyond the Ruby Sea, but the elder denied him, saying if he left he would not be allowed to return, as was the well known rule for any who left Sui-no-Sato. His friends and family insisted that the pleading whisper had to be nothing more than the manifestation of Sollus's wanderlust, and he should focus on his duties instead, but no matter what, the desperate whisper continued unabated.

Eventually Sollus could take it no longer. Finally making up his mind, he bid his family and friends farewell. Fully accepting of his impending banishment in service of the whisper's call. Shiosai was a particularly painful farewell, the two regretting unspoken words, and never growing closer. A tight hug and a soft kiss and Sollus bid him farewell too, diving into the waters of the Ruby Sea and following the whisper west toward Yanxia.Despite the import of his mission Sollus could not help but feel elated as he moved into the Doman mountains. In his birthplace, the spirits of water were all around, and while others were present they were often drowned out. But here, all the elements danced and sang together. They were curious about the uniquely attuned raen, and Sollus found the company of their voices and emotions a soothing salve to the still fresh wound of leaving his home.Staying focused, Sollus carried on, following the whisper and speaking to the local water spirits to guide him upriver. The whisper grew louder and louder as he grew closer. The emotions of the elements beginning to grow chaotic and unpredictable. The air turned stale, the earth turned foul and loose. The spirits wailed and spawned manifestations of their rage. Sprites, living plants, and golems began to bore down upon the geomancer, and Sollus was forced to defend himself, putting them down and begging the elementals to let him help.As the terrain grew more difficult and the attacks grew more frequent he finally found the problem. A large, half-destroyed magitek warship lodged in a crag. Likely a remnant of the Garlean invasion of Doma. It was leaking ceruleum and other pollutants, and had formed a large pool of muck that had poisoned the river's source. Sollus spent days working tirelessly, speaking with the elements and soothing their fear and rage. Eventually the attacks slowed, then ceased, and the calmer elementals allowed the young geomancer to channel their power. With a crash of lightning and a splitting of the land, he sundered the crag and dropped the metal carcass and its pollution down into the dark depths of the earth. Conjuring a small landslide the ship was entombed, and the water began to run clear and pure once more.

With the elements calmed, and the desperate whisper that had persuaded him to leave home finally quieted, Sollus found himself a bit directionless. He still could not return to his village, and though he did not regret it, he was honestly a little disappointed he had left Sui-no-Sato and his people for a task that was resolved so relatively quickly. After dwelling on it for some time, his sense of adventure urged him to continue on. To seek out new experiences and places and help as best he could.Deciding to continue to hone his communication skills with the elements more present outside his birthplace he continued moving into the mountains of Othard, traveling largely alone, though the few people he ran into in small mountain villages were happy to speak with him. Through them, he learned of the Azim Steppe, an expansive grassland to the North inhabited by the Xaela. Sollus had heard tales of the black scaled au ra. biological relatives perhaps, but what little he had heard was all bad. Bloodthirsty and warlike "savages" who were partly the cause for his ancestors hiding beneath the Ruby Sea. By all accounts, a people to be avoided at all costs.Despite this, Sollus could not help his curiosity, and continued North until finally reaching the region in question. Descending from the mountains, he felt like he could see similarities with the Ruby Sea, but instead of a vast expanse of water, it was grassland, punctuated by "islands" composed of large jutting rocks and small clumps of yurts. The faint shapes of animals and people moving amongst them like schools of fish. After moving into the Steppe proper, it didn't take long for Sollus to be accosted by one of the Steppe's many tribes for trespassing in their territory. To his great fortune, it was the Malaguld, known to those familiar to be the only xaela tribe accepting of raen members. Their leader was fascinated by the strange geomancer from the Ruby Sea, and offered Sollus the choice to recompense the Malaguld for the trespass of their territory by joining their tribe.While hesitant to commit to such a thing, the chief soothed his trepidation by telling him he could leave of his own accord in the future...provided he proved to be a valuable member of the tribe for a season or two. As he had primarily come to the Steppe to learn and sate his adventurous spirit, Sollus accepted, considering it a tidy arrangement to suit his needs if nothing else. He ended up staying with the tribe for almost two years instead, learning all he could of xaela culture, and also of the wider world from fellow raen exiles who had joined the tribe from far flung territories. He also learned some combat fundamentals from his fellow tribe members. He had been used to fighting monsters and enraged elementals, but a cunning xaela warrior was something else entirely. In return, Sollus used his skills in communicating with the elements to assist the Malaguld with all sorts of problems, forming fortifications for their ever moving village out of the earth, or speaking to the river to track the movements of other tribes and wild game. His healing abilities also came in handy, saving many of his adoptive brothers as well as the leader of the Malaguld himself after a particularly brutal encounter with the rival Dotharl tribe.While Sollus had found plenty of friends, and even a few lovers amongst his tribe, not to mention the semblance of a family, he resolved to move on at last. He could feel the elements calling him to the far West, and he was bound to answer their summons. He bid farewell to another family, but this time, he promised to return, the Steppe and his tribe embedding itself firmly in his heart.

Traveling to Reunion, Sollus hitched a ride with a Kugane merchant heading back home. The man was looking for some protection, and while Sollus was not your typical "warrior" per se, he promised he could defend the man from monsters and the like. Traveling the main route this time rather than hiking through the mountains gave Sollus a better perspective on Doman society in general. Whenever they stopped in towns and villages along the way, the raen immediately set to make himself useful, finding his talents in communing with the elements to be less common among wider society than the one he was born into. He was frustrated by the lack of understanding and ignorance some people had with regards to the world, and especially how many sought to abuse nature and tame it for their own ends as opposed to trying to work with and support the elements. Rather than simply rebuke these people though, Sollus sought to educate and teach them, doing his best to plant the proverbial seeds of environmentalism where he went, considering it his responsibility to do so as someone who could speak with and advocate for the elements and people both.Sollus crossed the Ruby Sea mostly in silence, especially when the boat sailed over Sui-no-Sato. His heart ached to dive into the waters and return home, to share the stories of his journey and the places he had been with his friends and family, but he resisted. Steeling his resolve, and reflecting on his adventure so far, he dismissed the desire. The distant voice from the west called to him once more. Banishment notwithstanding, he was needed...and unlike his people beneath the sea, he would not hide away from the world in fear.When he finally reached Kugane, the small town geomancer found himself more than a little overwhelmed. Seeing such massive structures made of stone and wood, the bustling market streets, the smell of exotic foods, and above all...the noise. Kugane was a city that did not sleep, boasting just as much activity throughout the night as during the day. While he was awed at first, Sollus also found himself slightly horrified. Everywhere he had gone up to this point he could always find the voices of the elements all around him. At each new location he would take a few moments to greet them and check on how they were feeling before moving into what he considered to be their home. But here...here there were hardly any... The hewn stone architecture held no voice. The playful song of the breeze was drowned out by the barks of marketeers, and the waters of the canals were choked with refuse.Sollus found himself disturbed to say the least. He took slight comfort in the fact that at least the spirits were simply absent rather than angry or enraged by their environs. Regardless, he found it a very isolating feeling. For the first time in his life, he was not surrounded by the feelings and whispers of elementals. Because of this, he took far less time to see the city sights than most newcomers probably do. Though there were a few small gardens and quiet places in which he could find some comfort, he quickly located the harbor and sought passage west, eager to move on and leave the cold city behind. From this point onward Sollus would always hold a deep aversion to large cities, preferring to immerse himself in the wilderness instead.

Sollus asked the harbormaster for passage to the farthest place West that he knew of. The man told him that would be Eorzea, and mentioned a merchant ship with room for passengers leaving the same day. Sollus balked at the estimated travel time, finding it hard to believe that the world was even large enough for such a lengthy journey to be possible. Nevertheless he resolved to go, needing to seek out the distant voice and his destiny. Embarking, he kept his gaze fixated on Othard as it shrank into the distance. It had been his entire world for his whole life...everything he knew, everywhere he had been, everyone he had ever loved, and soon he could no longer even see it.Similar to his crossing of the Ruby Sea, Sollus spent his time communing with the air and water elementals, asking the ones willing to speak about the local lands. He was beginning to truly get a grasp of just how many distant and strange places there were. He imagined all the problems they might have, and all the help they might need. While he knew he was just one person and could not possibly help them all, it was encouraging for him to think about it. While he could certainly help Sui-no-Sato flourish, he was more convinced then ever that the world needed him, and he could help so much more by leaving the tiny bubble of his birthplace behind.After the lengthy boat ride, Sollus arrived at last in Vesper Bay, a relatively small port in Thanalan, southern Eorzea. The hot dry climate was something completely new to him, and he took some time to familiarize himself with the area. The elements and the people both had seen and suffered much. He learned of the Seventh Umbral Calamity and the destruction it wrought upon the land. Many of the spirits were enraged or suffering due to the both local and widespread imbalances and pollution from corrupted aether. As Sollus beheld the massive craters and crystalized regions of the land he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by so much work that needed doing. He had left home to purify a river, but this was an entire continent in desperate need of help.Resolved, he continued to follow the voice to the Northeast, able to hear it more strongly now. It gave him a faint whisper every few days to keep him heading in the right direction. He could tell it was a truly ancient and powerful elemental, stronger than any he had communed with before. Eager to discover the nature of this being and how he could be of use to it, he pressed even onwards. The landscape changed, and the climate along with it. The dry and rocky landscape of Thanalan falling behind as the great forest of The Black Shroud rose ahead and welcomed the young raen within its shaded boughs. As Sollus walked the quiet paths of the forest he could feel the gaze of the trees themselves upon him, boring into his very being, perhaps searching for something...or someone...

Sollus was hardly alone in the forest, but not just due to the beasts and the elements that lived there. He soon attracted the attention of the wood wailers, and the Order of the Twin Adder. A patrol coming across the young raen as he rest by a quiet stream. While visitors were not necessarily denied entry into The Black Shroud outright, the natives of the forest were naturally suspicious of outsiders, and au ra were hardly common in the area. Sollus described his journey in brief thus far, and described the voice that had guided him to this place. A conjurer traveling with the patrol knew the voice of elementals when it was described to them, and persuaded the group's commander to allow entry into the city of Gridania to allow the Conjurer's Guild to judge the foreigner's ability and the truth of his purpose here.In stark contrast to the cold stone and ordered streets of Kugane, Sollus found Gridania to be a place brimming with elemental energy, the very buildings housing the spirits of trees and the streams allowed to flow naturally and pure. He felt a great relief knowing that not every large city in the world was in his eyes a desolate and lifeless place. Despite his pleasure at being here, Sollus did catch plenty of glances from the citizenry. Most seemed curious more than anything, but more than a few were obviously distrustful, and a smaller few still made no attempt to hide their opinion, casting a shout or sneer at the strangely dressed geomancer as he followed the conjurer to their guild.The guild master, E-Sumi-Yan greeted Sollus warmly, but quickly moved on to the matter at hand, and asked the strange visitor why he had come. Sollus explained his full journey to the Padjal. His life under the Ruby Sea, the whisper that beckoned him to Yanxia, his time with the Malaguld in the Azim Steppe, and the ancient voice the drew him to Eorzea and The Black Shroud. Admitting that the voice had ceased for a few days now, he shared that he believed he was now where he needed to be, and expressed his eagerness to learn more of Gridania, Conjury, and the elements themselves.Sollus was accepted into the guild, and while his skills in Geomancy gave him an immediate leg up over a novice, they also caused some strain with his superiors in the guild who were unfamiliar with different ways of speaking with and channeling the elements. Despite this, many appreciated his perspectives and were curious about the different ways elemental discipline evolved in Othard compared to Eorzea. After a few short years of study and communion with the elementals of the region, Sollus began to become accepted by the Gridanians and the forest both, his innate talents and resolve raising him to higher and higher prestige within the Conjurer's Guild.

Sollus becomes a White Mage

To Sollus, sex comes in many varieties depending on the closeness of the relationship. While he is not unfamiliar or averse to random hook-ups, he does prefer to get to know someone first whenever possible.However, sex is a friendly act to Sollus, and casual initiation with repeat partners of varying closeness is typically his preference, most finding his proverbial "switch" can be flipped quite easily with just a little teasing or flirting.His desire to help and please others extends to the bedroom, alley, backroom, or wherever. The most accurate label for his usual role would be that of the "service top." That being said, he certainly has preferences on his position for certain acts. Whichever allows him to bring his partner the most enjoyment, generally speaking.

Some basic ground rules and expectations:-- To me, Roleplay is about mutual enjoyment, no matter the subject matter. Additionally, people enjoy different things. I will reject something I don't think I will enjoy, and I expect others to do the same-- I have a partner IRL, but online interactions are open. Do not approach me with the intention of establishing a romantic relationship outside of roleplay.-- I do multiship for both friendships and romantic relations, which is to say Sollus is available to establish multiple relationships of varying intensity.-- Sollus is a self-insert to a certain extent, but he is not me. Do not conflate the two, especially if you are thinking of crossing some typically well defined social norms.-- I do not tolerate hate or discrimination of any kind. People are people, and intrinsically deserving of respect.-- I do not roleplay with minors, or minor age characters.-- I appreciate candor, and have a fairly thick skin, but I will not tolerate emotional manipulation of any kind.-- Drama is toxic to me, and I will not engage in it.Some OOC interests of mine!-- I am an active D&D player and Dungeon Master. My expertise lies primarily in Worldbuilding, but I love discussing all aspects of the game.-- I love animals and the natural world. Not just the cute stuff either. I have a bit of an obsession with insects and other bugs.-- I have ADHD, and one of the consequences of that is that I have investigated and grasped a basic understanding of many subjects. Ask me about some random topic, and we can probably have a whole discussion about it.-- I have strong opinions on the human experience. I enjoy discussing that, and I like helping people make sense of their feelings and acting as a sounding board for their thoughts and providing a non-judgmental perspective. I am not a therapist, but I do enjoy performing a similar role and helping people.